Katalog Buku

EBOOK - Root, Tuber and Banana Food System Innovations: Value Creation for Inclusive Outcomes
EBOOK - Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit im Jugendalter: Theoretische Perspektiven, empirische Befunde und Praxisansätze
EBOOK - A Guide to Additive Manufacturing: Springer Tracts in Additive Manufacturing
EBOOK - University and School Collaborations during a Pandemic: Sustaining Educational Opportunity and Reinventing Education: Knowledge Studies in Higher Education 8
EBOOK - Entwicklung von Methoden zur abstrakten Modellierung von Automotive Systems-on-Chips: RESEARCH
EBOOK - Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context: PALGRAVE STUDIES IN CULTURAL PARTICIPATION
Proceedings - NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2021: Compliance and Integrity in International Military Trade
EBOOK - Crime and Safety in the Rural: Lessons from research
EBOOK - Age-Inclusive ICT Innovation for Service Delivery in South Africa: A Developing Country Perspective
EBOOK - Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the Real and Complex Domains