EBOOK - Verwaltung im digitalen Zeitalter: Die Rolle digitaler Kompetenzen in der Personalakquise des höheren Dienstes: RESEARCH
EBOOK - Dumbing Down: The Crisis of Quality and Equity in a Once-Great School System—and How to Reverse the Trend
EBOOK - The Pathway to Publishing: A Guide to Quantitative Writing in the Health Sciences
EBOOK - How to Build a Modern Tontine: Algorithms, Scripts and Tips: Future of Business and Finance
EBOOK - Sublinear Computation Paradigm: Algorithmic Revolution in the Big Data Era
EBOOK - The Asymmetric Nature of Time: Accounting for the Open Future and the Fixed Past: Synthese Library 468: Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science
EBOOK - Citizen Participation in the Information Society Comparing Participatory Channels in Urban Development
Proceedings - Computer Aided Verification: 34th International Conference, CAV 2022, Haifa, Israel, August 7–10, 2022, Proceedings, Part I: LNCS 13371
EBOOK - R&D Management Practices and Innovation: Evidence from a Firm Survey: SPRINGER BRIEFS IN ECONOMICS
EBOOK - Migration and Domestic Work: IMISCOE Short Reader: IMISCOE Research Series