Katalog Buku

EBOOK - Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change: Managing Forest Ecosystems
EBOOK - Central Bank Policy Mix: Issues, Challenges, and Policy Responses: Handbook of Central Banking Studies
EBOOK - Italian National Forest Inventory—Methods and Results of the Third Survey: Inventario Nazionale delle Foreste e dei Serbatoi Forestali di Carbonio—Metodi e Risultati della Terza Indagine: Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering
EBOOK - Simplicial and Dendroidal Homotopy Theory: Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3. Folge: A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics 75
EBOOK - Corporate Diplomacy: How Multinational Corporations Gain Organizational Legitimacy: A Neo-Institutional Public Relations Perspective: Organisationskommunikation: RESEARCH
EBOOK - Genresignaturen: Diskurshistorische Perspektiven auf das Psycho-Universum von 1960 bis 2017: Neue Perspektiven der Medienästhetik: RESEARCH
EBOOK - Sustainable Mobility for Island Destinations
EBOOK - Droplet Dynamics Under Extreme Ambient Conditions: Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications
EBOOK - Transformation Literacy: Pathways to Regenerative Civilizations
EBOOK - Socio-Life Science and the COVID-19 Outbreak: Public Health and Public Policy: Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific