Katalog Buku

EBOOK - Deep Integration, Global Firms, and Technology Spillovers: Advances in Japanese Business and Economics 26
EBOOK - Vaccines, Medicines and COVID-19: How Can WHO Be Given a Stronger Voice? SPRINGER BRIEFS IN PUBLIC HEALTH
EBOOK - Erwerbsarbeit von Müttern und frühkindliche Fremdbetreuung: Eine integrative Betrachtung von Wohlfahrtseffekten: BestMasters: RESEARCH
EBOOK - Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy
EBOOK - The Autofictional: Approaches, Affordances, Forms: PALGRAVE STUDIES IN LIFE WRITING
EBOOK - Intangible Capital and Growth: Essays on Labor Productivity, Monetary Economics, and Political Economy, Vol. 1: Contributions to Economics
EBOOK - Data Spaces: Design, Deployment and Future Directions
EBOOK - Forms of List-Making: Epistemic, Literary, and Visual Enumeration
EBOOK - Biodiversity of the Gulf of Guinea Oceanic Islands: Science and Conservation
EBOOK - Künstliche Intelligenz in der Forschung: Neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen für die Wissenschaft: Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment 48