Katalog Buku

EBOOK - Sustainable Land Management in a European Context: A Co-Design Approach: Human-Environment Interactions 8
EBOOK - Gerechter Frieden: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen ziviler Konfliktbearbeitung und rechtserhaltender Gewalt: Essentials
EBOOK - The Once-Only Principle: The TOOP Project: LNCS 12621: State-of-the-Art: Survey
EBOOK - Finance 4.0 - Towards a Socio-Ecological Finance System: A Participatory Framework to Promote Sustainability: SPRINGER BRIEFS IN APPLIED SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY
EBOOK - Co-governed Sovereignty Network: Legal Basis and Its Prototype & Applications with MIN Architecture
EBOOK - Social Development in the World Bank: Essays in Honor of Michael M. Cernea
EBOOK - Social Background and the Demographic Life Course: Cross-National Comparisons
EBOOK - From Opinion Mining to Financial Argument Mining: SPRINGER BRIEFS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE
EBOOK - Quantum Computing for the Quantum Curious
EBOOK - Comprehensive Utilization of Magnesium Slag by Pidgeon Process: SPRINGER BRIEFS IN MATERIALS