Katalog Buku

EBOOK - Animating Unpredictable Effects: Nonlinearity in Hollywood’s R&D Complex: Palgrave Animation
EBOOK - Sprachliche Variationen von mathematischen Textaufgaben: Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Textanpassung für Textaufgaben im Mathematikunterricht: Bielefelder Schriften zur Didaktik der Mathematik: RESEARCH
Proceedings - Computer Aided Verification: 33rd International Conference, CAV 2021, Virtual Event, July 20–23, 2021, Proceedings, Part I: LNCS 12759
EBOOK - The Future of Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
EBOOK - Social Cash Transfer in Turkey: Toward Market Citizenship: Palgrave Pivot
Proceedings - Brain-Inspired Computing: 4th International Workshop, BrainComp 2019, Cetraro, Italy, July 15–19, 2019, Revised Selected Papers: LNCS 12339
EBOOK - Good Citizenship for the Next Generation: A Global Perspective Using IEA ICCS 2016 Data: IEA Research for Education 12: A Series of In-depth Analyses Based on Data of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA
EBOOK - Resilient Urban Futures: The Urban Book Series
EBOOK - Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States: Forest Sector
EBOOK - Female Employment and Gender Gaps in China: Hitotsubashi University IER Economic Research Series 47